Sorted alphabetically by school name, then student name. Click on the title to read the literary piece.
NOTE: Some entries may contain adult themes. Minors, please ask for parental permission before watching.
Molly Kendziera, Artios Academies of West Michigan
A New Ending
Catalina Cummins, Fremont High School
What Comes After Death, Beauty Divine
Audra Peterson, Fruitport High School
A Prayer, Icarus, Sunshine, Vol. 1
Clara Squio De Cezaro, Grand Haven High School
The Little Things
Madison Brooks, Grant High School
Hidden lies
Harley Stayner, Hart High School
A Shot in the Light., Worrying, into Worship., Aren’t We worth more than They?
Ellie Lotz, Hesperia High School
Oliver Vanderboegh, Holton High School
Home, Subtle Changes
Lucienne Shoup, Mason County Eastern High School
You and Her…, For You…
Layla Perez, Mona Shores High School
Our Song, Quiz Bowl: The Valedictorian and the Wild Card, A Grateful Sinner’s Quest for Harmony
Ethan Sandoval, Montague High School
The Life of Vida
Yahdira Tinoco, Muskegon High School
Slammed, Relinquish Your Power, Bewitch and Manipulate
Mia Janke, Newaygo High School
Abigail Hughes, Pentwater High School
Red Lipstick
Aurora Pelham, Ravenna High School
Cocoa and Chronicles
Elana Weiden, Reeths-Puffer High School
Kyla Koert, Spring Lake High School
Mature, Rebellion Years, DNA
Aleyiah Desnoyers, White Cloud High School
Writer’s Block
Landon Spoon, Whitehall High School